Friday, 25 January 2013

I dreamed a dream .. but how long will it take?

I read that you have a better chance of dying in a car accident in New York than successfully fulfilling your New Year’s resolution. (76 percent chance of dying in a car accident vs 88 percent chance of failing with your resolution). I don't make these resolutions but I do like to set goals and challenges. They can be anything like write X amount of words, excerise three times this week, sweep away those cobwebs that are getting perilously close to being able to walk through them in the hallway or try a new recipe. Sometimes motivation is lacking but it's nice to think I will get there in the end.
So I wondered ...

How long does it take to acheive things?
Vincent Van Gogh spent only the last 9 years of his life studying and painting. It was not until long after his death that greatness found him.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge took 24 years before an acceptable design was agreed upon. It then took 1,400 men 8 years to build it.

Bryce Courtenay wrote the Power Of One then used the manuscript as a door stop for nearly 2 years. He then went on to sell it for one million dollars which included 100,00 copies in it's first year. It took him 15 years longer than he anticipated to begin his writing career but geez did he get there in the end!

The spanish Gothic architectural feat, La Sagrada Familia, commenced construction in 1882. Antoni Gaudi oversaw its development with his unique vision until his untimely death in 1926. It still stands incomplete although it is hope to be officially open on the centennial of Gaudi's death in 2026.

How many times have you thought 'Starting tomorrow I will ...' Well guess what tomorrow arrived early - it all begins today!

“Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

What would you like to acheieve?
Share your thoughts and leave a comment.

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